Saturday, May 22, 2010

We've Got Grass!!!!!

We have wanted grass in the back yard since before Dakota turned one, but for financial reasons were only able to afford it for the front yard last year. I have dreamed of the day that Dakota and I could go run, play, and have picnics in the backyard! For the past couple of weeks Aaron has been hard at work to give Dakota a backyard for her birthday this year!! And when I say hard I mean HARD!! A few weeks ago he had the whole thing tilled up and raked even only to receive a good rainfall to pack it all down! Last week he started digging trenches for the sprinkler system (so we won't let it die!)(This was a last minute decision.) He gets that done and then the past few nights he has been putting in the PVC pipes for the sprinkler and tilling up the whole yard again and raking it even. Yesterday afternoon and this morning he laid down the grass! What a hard worker I have been so blessed with! I love him!!

We started out just wanting to get her a swing set for her birthday, but quickly realized that it wouldn't get touched because of all the dirt, weeds, bugs, you name it, you could probably find it in our backyard! I was not going to allow her to play in that! So, we decided to just do grass this year and maybe next year purchase a swing set. However, when all these decisions were being made, God just worked! After deciding to wait on the swing set Aaron calls me one day while working and says, "I got a swing set for Kota!" One of his customers he mows for had a swing set and a fort with a slide and he was willing to trade it for four mows! And a guy Aaron used to work with at Acme called him up around the same time and asked if we would want a little cottage house for Dakota to play in. His little girl had outgrown it and so they wanted to give it to someone who could use it! Of course we said yes! So, instead of just grass as we had planned, God has so graciously blessed us with so much more! It still needs a little clean up and the house put where it is supposed to go, but I can't wait to make memories that will last a lifetime in our new backyard!! When Dakota woke up from her nap yesterday to go outside and watch Daddy work, she screamed with excitement! and said, "Tank ou, Daddy!" without even being told to. I had to get it on video though, but it just wasn't the same as the first time! Anyhow, she loves her new backyard and so do I!!


Lynne said...

WOW!! It looks beautiful, great job Aaron!

Martha said...

It looks incredible! The yard looks so much bigger! Yea for Aaron! and Yea for Dakota's birthday!

Michael, Brittany, Rylie, and Reagan said...

Your yard looks great!! Isn't it great to have husband willing to work that hard for you?? Michael has put in so much time at the house I love just being able to look around & see it all!