Saturday, March 6, 2010


Through our past miscarriage God has taught me so much! He has let me know that I am not in control and therefore I learned that I need to seek His will for my life, not that I wasn't before but I wasn't doing it in every aspect of my life. I hold onto the fact that He is in control and does everything for a reason, and ultimately our miscarriage will glorify His name! I feel like it already has to a point with how He has used it to teach me these things about myself and How it has brought me closer to Him!

I just finished a study by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur titled "Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed." It was a study based on David and I know God put me in that class at the exact right time in my life! A lot of what I learned through this study I already knew, but this just went into more depth and made me realize how important these things are. I learned that I was "CHOSEN" by God. "I" was chosen by GOD! How special am I?! In realizing this I committed myself to offering myself and my day to the Lord each morning. And I ask Him to remind me of His presence throughout my day, in all things (2 Cor. 2:14). I learned that I was put here for a reason and that I can be happy in doing all the everyday, mundanes as a house wife and mother, because in those things (I'm not doing them just for my family), I am serving the Lord because he put me here to glorify God and by doing these things I am showing Dakota how to be a woman of God. This opened my eyes to how I am supposed to do my everyday tasks and now when I do them I think about this and I don't seem to groan as much!

Some things that hit home from the study:
"If you can't be faithful in a little, God will not give you the larger assignment." This is so true.

"David's commitment to obey shows an enormous display of trust and faith in GOD'S ABILITIES ABOVE HIS OWN. It is extremely difficult to obey God when His word to us is either something we don't want to hear or find it difficult to obey."

"When God doesn't appear to bless your plan to do something for him (talking about David wanting to build a house for the ark), consider that He wants to do something for you instead." 2 Sam. 7:2,11

"Words fail, but far more consequentially, faith often fails."

"Sometimes there's just a bigger plan." Luke 7:18-23

"Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?" I can already see this in some aspects
of my life, but I pray that I would continue on a path to ask this question!

"God can never do Himself right and do His children wrong."

"Your God has good things for you-not PAINLESS things for you, good things for you."

"We've got to move past our devastation with God...David was angry/afraid. We've got to return to whole-hearted obedience...Joy is coming. Let's have the courage to see the fulfillment of God's promises to us." 2 Sam. 6:1-10

"God is not harsh, He is holy."

"To seek God first is to seek even the most cherished person in your life second."

"God desires to do such extraordinary things for and through us if we accept that everything is for His glory."

"Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go, It will cost you more than you ever expected to pay."

"God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever."

"A holy and just God cannot let sin go unpunished."

"I am never afraid of telling God I've sinned because I know he already knows." Kay Arthur

"God never removes the consequence."

Grace is... Favor
Grace is... available because God is gracious Psalm 84:11
Grace is... power 2 Cor. 12:7-10
Grace is... previous Eph. 1:3

"If you stop moaning and groaning about your past, share it with other, God will use it to benefit (bless) others." Galations 1 and 1 Cor. 15:10

I loved this study and I recommend it to everyone, Aaron sat in on most of the video session!!
I'm not as good as Lynne when it comes to writing this stuff, but this is as good as it gets for me!!!


Did you get the attitude at the end??!


Mom and Dad said...

God certainly is. It always amazes me how He is able to hit straight licks with crooked sticks! In other words. God is able to accomplish His perfect will in our lives despite our circumstances or what we give Him to work with. Drive a stake here, these truths are valuable, I am proud to be your Father-in-law

Cliff and Jessica said...

What a cute little big sister we have on our hands! Quite the Miss Priss and I love it! So excited for a new baby in the family. :) And I am very thankful God has walked so faithfully with you guys through the last six months!

Michael, Brittany, Rylie, and Reagan said...

I am so excited for you!!

Martha said...

Patricia- I am so wonderfully happy for ya'll! God is indeed faithful and wants to take all of us "so far!" I too just finished this study and I think it may be the best one I have ever done. I learned so many things that I had overlooked in my repeated readings of these scriptures. When is the baby due? (By the way- I love seeing that room used as a playroom. It really makes me happy!)

Donaldson Family said...

Martha, I can't see your page if you have one so hopefully you will get this. I like the office as a play room too, but we are getting too much stuff in there so I will be putting most of it in Dakota's new room when it is finished and keep books and a few toys in the office! I haven't been to the doc yet, but I am thinking around Oct. 15-25. Glad to hear from you!!

Laura said...

I hadn't heard! I am so happy for all of you!!! :) I love you Aaron, Patricia and Dakota...and of course this new little one!